Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Festivals, Makeup and Cars, OH MY!

Hey Folks.....
Its been a BUSY weekend! I attended the annual World Vegetarian Day Celebration in Golden Gate park this past Saturday...and as usual it was a BLAST! There were some AWESOME speakers, wonderful booths, delicious food, and most importantly, really AWESOME people devoting themselves to the cause, and sharing Love and Truth! I did an interview with one of the volunteers from the San Francisco Vegetarian Society (of which Im also a member!) which I'll post below.  http:///
Dan's website!

I also attended the Castro Street Fair the next day, and did an interview with Mel Chappelle of the Komfy Kouture line of products which is a line of natural body products ranging from soaps to mineral makeup, and even some awesome ergonomic pads designed to ease tension in your hands as you type...among others. Check her out!

I also did an interview with City CarShare with is a REALLY AMAZING organization based in San Francisco, which allows its members SUPER CHEAP access to cars 24/7, with FULL insurance coverage, ALL GAS, and awesome comfy, more eco-friendly hybrid cars! I just joined, before doing the interview. If you don't have a car, or like me don't really want a car to pollute up the air more....theyre an awesome way to get wheels when you need them, and cut down on your carbon footprint!
Their website is

interview with City Carshare

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome to the Tasty Vegan Review!

Thanks for checking out our new blog: TastyVeganReview! This blog was started to respond to the vast array of vegan delicacies, and the...well...downright NASTY vegan attempts at being tasty, as well as sexy vegans (and we are DAMN sexy...and YES its true....we do taste better...)
as well as spiritual interests (metaphysics, multicultural, mysticism) and all that other hippie granola craziness we San Francisco Bay Area Vegans know and LOVE!

 Its going to be a wild ride, so put on your seatbelts, tighten up your grape leaf loinclothes and get ready for a crazy vegan adventure!!!